Mission builder TM

Mission Builder™ is an Android™ End User Device (EUD) configuration and provisioning management tool designed to keep your mission data synchronized and available to those who need it, when they need it. Mission Builder™ takes automated, large scale deployments and synchronization of data to a new level, drastically reducing the amount of time required to deploy enormous clusters of time sensitive information.

tactical internet gateway (TIG)

The TIG guards against intercepted transmissions and ensures secure communication. Complete with site-to-site VPN, integrated GPS with web blocking, secure firewall, 256-bit encryption, and protection against denial of service (DoS) attacks, communication regardless of location or signal has never been easier or more convenient. Device management is achieved via an administrative web interface that is reliable and easy to use.

team awareness kit (TAK)

The Tactical Assault Kit (TAK) for DoD or Team Awareness Kit (TAK) for law enforcement and first responders is a Government-Off-The Shelf (GOTS) software suite of applications and mapping solutions. TAK is a program of record by the U.S. Special Operations Command (SOCOM), Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), and Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) where it provides an enhanced capability to conduct mission planning, targeting, situational awareness, navigation, data sharing, intelligence operations, and execution over public or tactical meshed networks.

tactical-knox provisioning kit (TPK)

Knox is a security platform integration designed to protect Samsung mobile devices, and organizations are responsible for configuring and deploying the devices and activating Knox licenses. That’s where Bryodyn comes in. Bryodyn’s systems engineers will full configure the TPK to your specifications. TPK includes Bryodyn’s Mission Builder TM software which provides users with the ability to mass provision Android end user devices in a timely manner.